Items you will need:
cold water
dawn detergent
3% hydrogen peroxide
clean white cloth
spray bottle of water
plain wihte paper towels
sprau bottle or container
small heavy object
How to Remove Blood Stains
Step 1:
Start by rinsing the stain with a little cold water by applying it to a white cloth. Blot the stain to
lift the blood out of the carpet.
NorCal Pro Tip: Do no use hot water. Hot water sets the blood stains.
Step 2:
If the stain left is slight, make a dawn-water solution by pouring a cup of cold water and 1/4
teaspoon in a spray bottle or container. Stir or gently shake to ensure a thorough mixture.
Spray the solution onto a clean white cloth to dampen. Blot the stain to lift the stain onto the
NorCal Pro Tip: Blot the stain in one direction starting from the edge of the stain working your way to the center. This will prevent spreading the stain onto other carpet fibers.
Step 3:
If the dawn-water solution does not remove the stain, dampen a clean white cloth with some
hydrogen peroxide. Blot the stain to work the peroxide into the stain. Use a different clean
white cloth to lift the stain out of the carpet. Continue to blot until the stain has been removed.
Step 4:
Rinse the area by spraying cold water onto the damp area. Blot with plain white paper towels
to remove any excess moisture.
Step 5:
Once the excess moisture is removed place a layer of paper towels on the area and place a
small heavy object on top of the towels. Leave his will draw any remaining moisture in the
Step 6:
Remove the object and paper towels and vacuum the area to restore the carpet’s resiliency