Certified Professional Upholstery Cleaning

Our Industry Leading Inspection and Cleaning Process 

You can trust your piece will get the best care and cleaning process.  A certified Upholstery Technician will perform a thorough 20 point inspection, a fabric fiber burn test, and colorfastness dye test to determine the best method of cleaning.

The results of the inspection, manufacture's recommended cleaning method, burn test, and colorfastness test will determine the best method to clean your piece.   We can clean your piece using the Dry Solvent Method, Shampoo Cleaning Method, or the Hot Water Extraction Method.  Prior to any these methods your piece will receive a thorough vacuuming using a powerful upholstery head to extract any soils and hair (human and pet) from every inch of your piece.  We even use a crevice tool to vacuum deep into the crevices of the arms and backing.

All you have to do is sit back and watch your piece get a fresh deep clean.

Call us today for pricing and available discounts! 

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Why Should You Get Them Cleaned

Still Can't Decide?

Your upholstered pieces should be professionally cleaned at least once every two years.  It collects dirt, dust, hair, skin cells, pet hair, and an occational spill.  An occasional vacuum does not remove the imbedded soils.

Think of it this way, imagine your favorite shirt.  You wear it, sweat in it, maybe spill food on it.  And instead of washing it all you did was vacuum it before wearing it again.  No imagine doing this over and over again for two years.  How dirty do you think it will be?  Well this is what is exactly what is happening with your sofa, recliner, or chair.