Items you will need:
Dawn detergent
warm water
spray bottle or container
spoon or dull knife
hair dryer
rubbing alcohol
hair brush
clean white cloth
plain white paper towels
small heavy object
How to Remove Chocolate Stains
Step 1:
Act on the stain as soon as possible after the chocolate has been spilled or rubbed into the
chocolate. Carefully scrape up excess chocolate. Remove as much chocolate as you can with
a clean spoon or dull knife. Be gentle, so as to not damage the carpet fibers. Use a hair dryer
so you can gently warm the chocolate. This will make the chocolate soft and easier to scrape.
NorCal Pro Tip: Do not heat the chocolate too much or it will become a liquid and spread deeper into the carpet.
Step 2:
Make your Dawn-Water solution by pouring a cup of warm water into a spray bottle or
container and adding # of Dawn dishwashing detergent. Stir or gently shake the container to
ensure thorough mixing.
Step 3:
Apply a liberal amount of rubbing alcohol to a clean white cloth and lay a cloth over the stain.
Using the hair brush or similar object firmly tap the bristles on cloth covering the stain.
NorCal Pro Tip: This process is known as works the cleaning solution deeper in to the carpet.
Step 4:
Once you ensured the rubbing alcohol is worked into the stain take the Dawn-Water solution
and apply it to a clean white cloth. Begin to blot the stain with the cloth and continue to gently
blot the stain to remove the discoloration.
Step 5:
Once the color is removed use tap water to rinse and blot the area to remove any excess
Step 6:
To thoroughly dry layer several paper towels onto the damp area and place a small heavy objet
on the paper towels.