Items you will need:

Spoon or Dull Knife

Rubbung Alcohol

Clean White Cloth

Pure Nail Polish Remover

Dawn Detergent (if Needed)

Warm Water

Spray Bottle

Plain White Paper Towels

Spray Bottle of Water

Small Heavy object


How to Remove Lipstick Stains

Step 1: Start by using a spoon or a dull knife to remove larger pieces of lipstick from your carpet. Scrape as much away as you can without damaging your carpet and without rubbing the lipstick into the carpet.

Step 2: Dampen a clean white cloth with rubbing alcohol and blot the stain. Rubbing alcohol is a great solvent for the grease within the lipstick.

Step 3: With what remain of the stain use pure clear nail polish remover. You need to test the carpet to see if the remover will cause any damage to the carpet fiber. Dampen a clean white cloth and dap the carpet in an in conspicuous section (we recommend a closet area or under furniture).

If damage occurs in the test you need to switch to a Dawn-Water solution. Pour 1 cup of warm water and 1/8 of a teaspoon into a spray bottle or container. Stir or gently shake to ensure a thorough mixture.

Whether you are using the nail polish remover or the Dawn-water solution, dampen a clean white cloth and blot the stain.

Continue until the color of the stain transfers onto the cloth.

Step 4: Once the stain is removed, you need to rinse the solvents and solutions out of the carpet. Spray the damp area with water. Do not over saturate the carpet. Blot the wet area with plain white paper towels to extract the excess moisture.

Step 5: Once the excess moisture has been removed, layer several paper towels on the damp area and place a small heavy object on top of the towels. This will draw out any remaining moisture from the carpet. Leave for 2-4 hours.

Step 6: After the area has completely dried, vacuum to restore the carpet’s resiliency.

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