Items you will need:

Rubber gloves

baking soda


white wine vinegar

cold water

spray bottle or container

dawnb detergent

spray bottle of water

Clean white cloth

plain white paper towels

small heavy object

hydrogen peroxide

spoon or dull knife

How to Remove Liquid Waste Stains

Step 1: Make your Vinegar Solution by placing a tablespoon of Dawn dishwashing detergent, a table spoon of white wine vinegar, and two cups of cold water into a spray bottle or container. Stir or gently shake to ensure a thorough mixture.

Step 2: Put on gloves and scrape away any diarrhea with a spoon or dull knife. Avoid spreading the stain.

NorCal Pro Tip: Blot the stain in one direction starting from the edge of the stain working your way to the center. This will prevent spreading the stain onto other carpet fibers.

Step 3: Sprinkle a bit of baking soda on the stain. Allow it to sit on the stain for 15 minutes. The baking soda will absorb the liquid waste from the stain, it will also neutralize the odor.

Step 4: After 15 minutes vacuum the baking soda away. If more liquid waste is still on the carpet repeat the step 3 until no more liquid waste is present.

Step 5: Apply the vinegar solution you made in step 1 to a clean white cloth and blot to work the solution into the stain lifting any color onto the cloth. Continue to blot until the stain is removed.

Step 6: Rinse with cold water and blot with paper towels to remove the excess moisture. If any of the stain remains, apply a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to a clean white cloth and blot to lift any remnants of the stain. Rinse again with cold water and blot with paper towels to lift the stain away.

Step 7: Place several layers of paper towels onto the dampened area. Place a small heavy object onto the towels. This will draw out any remaining moisture from the carpet.

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