Items you will need:

Rubber gloves

spoon or dull knife

spray bottle of water

1 tbsp clear amonia

4 oz warm water

spray bottle or container

clean white cloth

warm water

plain white paper towels

dawn detergent

small heavy object

How to Remove Solid Waste Stains

Step 1: Make your Ammonia-Water solution by putting four ounces of warm water and a tablespoon of clear ammonia in a spray bottle. Stir or gently shake the bottle to ensure a thorough mix. Make your Dawn-Water solution by putting one cup of warm water in a spray bottle and # of Dawn detergent. Stir or gently shake the bottle to ensure a thorough mix.

Step 2: Put on some gloves to remove the large pieces of waste. If any material has dried onto the carpet, use a dull knife or spoon to gently scrape away the dry pieces.

Step 3: Spray the Ammonia-Water solution onto a clean white cloth and blot the stain to work the solution into the stain. The ammonia in the solution will help clean the stain while neutralizing any odors. Avoid allowing the ammonia-water solution soak into the carpets backing, this may damage the carpet.

NorCal Pro Tip: Blot the stain in one direction starting from the edge of the stain working your way to the center. This will prevent spreading the stain onto other carpet fibers.

Step 4: Spray the Dawn-Water solution onto a different clean white cloth and blot the what remains of the stain. Continue until you no longer remove any color from the stain onto the cloth.

Step 5: Rinse the carpet by spraying with water. Use plain paper towels and blot the damp area to remove any excess moisture.

Step 6: Once all the excess moisture has been removed layer several paper towels onto the damp area. Place a small heavy object on the paper towels for 2-4 hours. This will draw any remaining moisture from the carpet.

Step 7: Remove the heavy object and paper towels and vacuum the area to restore the carpet’s resiliency. 

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